The Importance of Keeping Patients Happy

As more people continue to seek medical care, healthcare delivery evolves to meet the rapid changes. AI, SaaS, and the ever-changing EHR already impact patients and practices, and things are not slowing down. Working to retain not only your patients, but your employees as well, is essential to your practice’s future. In today’s climate, the…

Front Office Billing Tips to Bolster Your Billing Cycle

Successful medical practices concentrate on quality of care, and the level of expertise of their practitioners. Billing is not typically a first consideration. Medical billing, however, fuels a health organization’s daily operations; therefore, warrants a better look and deeper dive. What can practices do to minimize losses, ensure timely reimbursements, and collect payment? Here’s how…

Why is Patient Engagement Critical to Value Based Care Success?

With stagnant reimbursement rates for fee-for-service, and medical cost inflation, the value-based care model (VBC) is increasingly present in health care organizations. To have success in a VBC environment, practices should embrace patient engagement as a foundational capability. Engaging patients not only keeps them healthier and prevents patients from requiring costly care or potential hospitalization,…

Are Prior Authorizations More Costly Than You Think?

Most medical providers agree that prior authorization processes are overused, exploitative, and present both administrative and clinical concerns to physicians and patients alike. A physician’s healing hands can be tied by prior authorizations: Excessive prior authorization steps complicate clinical treatments. When a doctor and patient agree on what’s best for a patient’s health, many times…

Healthcare Cybersecurity: Building a Scalable Program

Healthcare technology is evolving. Digital and telehealth services continue to expand at astronomical rates and these changes are here to stay. Because this unprecedented growth extends to the healthcare cyberattack surface, the expansion also exposes the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of a healthcare organizations’ data. Partnering to manage cyber risk… Many healthcare organizations lack the executive…

What You Need to Know about Health Information Management (HIM) Budgets

Healthcare budgeting determines the scope of funding requirements, including operating costs, and capital expenditures. Health Information Management (HIM) departments are often underfunded expenses that can negatively affect a healthcare organization’s bottom line when mismanaged. Managers of HIM budgets deal with projecting budgets that estimate revenues and expenses over time. Management and Release of Records are…

How to Stop Claims Denials Before They Start

For healthcare providers, maximizing revenue potential necessitates efficient insurance claims denial prevention strategies, and protocol. Managing and resolving claim denials is an essential responsibility of your revenue cycle team. However, the prevention of claim denials requires participation from physicians and administrators alike. Substandard denials management leads to financial pitfalls for any practice. Revenue cycle delays…